It’s five to 14 or is it already five past 12?

Sunday, 03. May 2020

The CoVID-19 coronavirus continues to dominate the media, politics, the economy and the world’s stock markets. There seems to be no other topic of conversation any more. Everything revolves around the coronavirus and everything follows it according to the recommendations of the virologists who are calling the shots at the moment. The shutdown ordered by almost all politicians in the world will lead to the most severe economic crisis in the post-war period.

Mass unemployment and a depression are feared. Possible is…

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EST Stock market letter

The stock exchanges of Central and Eastern Europe have been among the top performers among the world’s stock exchanges since 1998. In recent years in particular, many CEE stock exchanges have performed far better than the established Western stock exchanges. In 2019, for example, the Moscow Stock Exchange not only clearly outperformed the DAX and DJI, but also ranked among the 30 best-performing stock exchanges in the world.

Many investors have so far criminally neglected the CEE stock exchanges. Yet the selection of promising stocks is growing. Eastern Europe still has its future ahead of it.

Take advantage of your opportunities now!

  • analyses the most important trends on the CEE stock exchanges for you monthly on 30-60 pages.
  • looks not only at the established eastern stock exchanges, such as Moscow, Budapest, Prague and Warsaw, but also at the second-tier countries and the CIS republics
  • selects the most promising stocks for you from a fundamental and technical point of view and examines not only stocks but also other forms of investment such as funds, bonds, real estate, derivatives and certificates
  • draws attention to risks and distinguishes between conservative and speculative investment options.

The market letter “EAST STOCK TRENDS” is published monthly in a printed and electronic edition. The electronic edition is sent to you directly after the editorial deadline, which means it reaches you faster and is also more cost-effective.


Several times a year, ESI-GmbH organises seminars on the topic of eastern stock exchanges and emerging markets together with renowned banks, issuing houses and stock corporations.